Friday, May 29, 2009 @ 9:02 PM

Finally. A time for a break from all the hectic work. CCTs, CCA commitments, so on.

But this is not just a holiday. It's a time to reflect on what went wrong, and what went right. in Semester 1, and hopefully start afresh the next semester!


Haha last day of school was fun! First period was a free period, slacked in class playing Buzzer (music quiz). Then was Maths. No comments. (:

Recess, then English! English was great. We had some sort of a mini class party at the 1st floor of SR block, where we could bring our food, and share it while discussing our Social Advocacy Project. BUT THE BEST PART was at the end of the lesson, when one group randomly started playing truth or dare (double dare), and it ended up with hilarious dares! This included dancing randomly in front of RJ and RI people, asking a boy for his number, and so on. (: Haha it was funnyyyy.

After which was SS, continuing with the Performance Task. Haha we were actually counting down the last twenty seconds of school SUPER loudly! Then we asked our SS teacher to help us take a class photo! :D And somehow the whole class went crazy after that. xD

After school, went with Sean, Jia Rong, Raphael, Luo and Edward to Orchard for lunch! Went to Macs, then Pastamania, then Macs, then Pastamania, then decided to sit at Macs and eat Pastamania... ._.

Went back to RI with Sean, while the rest went to Lesmana's house. Took the MRT to Bishan, then decided to take Circle Line to Marymount for the fun of it. Just to try it out. (:
Got down, and walked to RI, then had PM with Shark!

Collected firewood, and collected even more firewood. And then Yong Xin invaded our PM and we had PT and stuff.. :D

Haha Daniel's Ribena got kicked over, and at that moment, there was an axe lying there. How convenient.

YongzDaBombz Photography ©

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009 @ 10:27 PM
Went for appointment at KKH today.

The doctor said that they'll have to cut my arm at the same places again to take out the plates. This means another operation, and more stitches. In 3-6 months. Hope it's after EOYs.

More pain. ):


Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ 3:49 PM

Random msn convo between yongxin and me. haha.

[RI02`10] yongxin; turn off the lights @ 3:36 :

jai ho!

[ |RI02|RI.ICC|RI.MOOR| '09] mad world. @ 3:36 :


some retard in 3r keeps on singing it

[RI02`10] yongxin; turn off the lights @ 3:36 :



[ |RI02|RI.ICC|RI.MOOR| '09] mad world. @ 3:37 :


aaaah i cant get the song out of my mind

the mad world one

not jai ho


[RI02`10] yongxin; turn off the lights @ 3:38 :


[ |RI02|RI.ICC|RI.MOOR| '09] mad world. @ 3:38 :


this convo is retarded

[RI02`10] yongxin; turn off the lights @ 3:41:

jai ho?

[ |RI02|RI.ICC|RI.MOOR| '09] mad world. @ 3:42 :


[RI02`10] yongxin; turn off the lights @ 3:42 :

jai ho.

[ |RI02|RI.ICC|RI.MOOR| '09] mad world. @ 3:42 :

this convo is so retarded that i shall post it on my blog

[RI02`10] yongxin; turn off the lights @ 3:42 :

JAI HO?!!?!?!

[ |RI02|RI.ICC|RI.MOOR| '09] mad world. @ 3:43 :


[RI02`10] yongxin; turn off the lights @ 3:43 :

JAI HO >:/


@ 3:17 PM
Got most of my results back.

I'm not overly happy about my results, but I'm not that disappointed either.

I would have probably done really really really badly, if not failed, without the help of many people.

YONGZ AND SEAN. for taking down notes for me in class, when I was in the hospital. for teaching me all the stuff I didn't understand when I came back to school. thanks!

and to all the teachers who took off time to go through the stuff which I missed.

Thanks! (:


Thursday, May 21, 2009 @ 8:28 PM
Today's talk by the ambassador of Denmark was quite interesting, highlighted how Denmark had a much more easy-going life, and how everyone was very happy with their lives, and at the same time reminded everyone through her speech how Singapore can improve in this field.

After school we did the Maths Performance Task - Yongz, Seh Woon, Gao, Isaac and me. Did it at the reference room in HML. It's a great place for doing/discussing stuff! It's extremely quiet compared to the library itself, and it's much colder and nicer. Nice place. (:
Had a lot of fun there. :D

And I have no idea when the Philo test is - tomorrow or next week.. It would help if teachers told us when tests were..


Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 7:46 PM
life goes on.
First time I've gone for CCA for a looooong looooong time.

PM went quite well, I guess. Did a bit of orienteering at first (without maps and compasses -.-), then did survival for quite long to get ready for camp (only to find out it wasn't important??!! they should've told us beforehand what's necessary and what's not, seeing that there's already a lack of time..)

After that was footdrill! How fun. For once, we're the ones standing in front, rather than under the watchful eyes of our seniors. We're the ones, spotting the mistakes, and flicking hands (a way to check whether arms are locked). After a while in the Junior Block, we went to Raffles Square and did some more footdrill. Under the hot sun. (:
Shark's not that bad at footdrill. Better than I thought!

LOL saw Sean, Yang Terng, Lawrence and Raphael during PM. Raphael was following us around the survival part >.<

Ahh. I hope Shark does well in camp.
I'm really really really really really really sorry I can't go for camp. ): Sorry Joshua, and the rest of Shark.

02 aside, I got into the IT internship! :D
It's from the 1st to 12th of June with Amdon Consulting Group, and I'll be experiencing about two weeks in the life of a game designer! (: So exciting.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009 @ 11:10 PM
new skin
new skin!

starting to go for cca tomorrow. (:

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@ 10:46 PM
why is everyone making EMO blog posts nowadays?

a blog is a space to express yourself and have fun!

not to encrypt posts and hide your feelings from the rest of the world -.-

defeats the purpose of a blog. why blog in the first place?

blogging is something that should be happy? enjoyable?

not emo. ):

No one likes to read an emo post. ><

[We have private blogs for that .. ]

My take.

I was referring to blogs that are consistently emo. Once in a while is fine, I guess.
Once again.


Saturday, May 16, 2009 @ 12:27 AM
wahaha. i love my new dock.

[click on it to see a bigger pic]

i'm starting to understand physics! :D

Thursday, May 14, 2009 @ 11:43 PM
Haven't posted for quite long..
Stupid CCTS.

YAY I finally realized Chem isn't too bad. In fact it's quite fun. Mole concept is fun.

Anw from now I'll be starting QOTD! :D

Irvin, during random MSN convo, when I was attempting to sell him a Vodafone :
"and I got so much ex stuff to carry can die one."

PS. Does anyone want to buy a Vodafone 830? It has a 3.2 megapixel camera, MMS, and 3G to name a few features . Got it from a competition, and I'm selling it. :D

Friday, May 1, 2009 @ 7:08 PM
Watched X-Men Origins : Wolverine today!
Super niceee!
Go watch!
