Thursday, March 26, 2009 @ 8:17 PM
Realized that I haven't blogged for quite a while.
Tooooooo much work.. ):

And IAC is tomorrow... (Investiture and Appointment Ceremony) - where we get our posts.
Too lazy to write down anything else. D:

And I'm tired.. );

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Friday, March 20, 2009 @ 8:51 PM
What holidays??
I'm starting to hate the March holidays. Reason? Because they are non-existent.

Three days of Jobweek.

Two days of V-Camp.

Three days of InfoComm Camp.

And what's left? A weekend. That's all I have left to do my Physics Performance Task, my Geography Fieldwork Performance Task and to study for my Maths TA and Chem OBA (which, by the way, is on Monday).

And it doesn't really help either when all your group members aren't online most of the time... ):

Saturday, March 14, 2009 @ 10:20 PM
Jobweek : Day 1
'Good Afternoon Sir/Madam, we are a group of scouts from 02 Raffles Scout Group, and for our annual Jobweek, we're going around Singapore doing jobs. Do you have any jobs for us?'

I must say that this has been one of the most interesting Jobweeks in my Scouting life. No, seriously. Some events are so retarded (and some are so hilarious), I can't sleep in peace without sharing them. In order;

1 | OMPM! [Owe Money, Pay Money]

OK, firstly, let me say I'm no Picasso, but still.. You must admit this is a 'piece of art'... -.-

I have a sudden liking for pigs. Don't you?

2 | Dance, Dance...

The second one is extremely weird. We knock the door, and this girl (around our age) answers. We do the usual intro (the one at the top) and then she exclaims and says there are no jobs. Then comes the interesting part.
She does some funny dance and exclaims, 'Money, can??'.
It won't sound that funny here, but believe me, Fu Kang and I wanted to burst out laughing right there. [Ask Fu Kang for an excellent re-enactment. He can do it really well.]

3 | Train

OK, this one is plain creepy. CREEPY. So we go to the next floor, and hear someone singing. Terribly. In a loud, screechy, voice. Did I mention it was loud? So we cautiously knock the door. Singing stops, woman opens door. We do the usual introduction, and she looks around for jobs.

Here it comes...

And then she asks us to fix a toy train.
A toy train set. [The ones 4 year olds play.]
And the evil person who had opened the door was laughing at us. And so was her daughter. And so was her 4 year old son.

I'm scared.
I think they're all mad.

And after 20 - 30 mins of hard work, we received two dollars. -.-
(At first it was one, then the daughter took pity on us and gave us another one...)

And that's not all. The woman said that after we were done building, we had to play with it. (But at least for this one, she was joking -.-)

4 | Angry Man

This one is on a more serious note. After we were done with all the jobs and returning to school, we stopped at 7-11 on the way to buy drinks. As we were entering, we heard this man (quite young, in his 20s), chasing (briskly walking) after this guy/girl shouting at the top of his voice about no sense of urgency, and government playing around and stuff.

I have no idea. Don't understand it either. People were staring at him and slowly retreating backwards. Fu Kang and I entered 7-11 and bought our drinks. :D

Lessons that can be learnt

1. Never, ever, attempt to draw pigs if you haven't drawn one before. You'll fail and people will take pictures of it and post it on their blogs.
2. When people are dancing when offering you money, you know something is wrong.
3. Don't even think about entering a house with random people singing random things. At the top of their voices.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009 @ 8:31 PM
Patrol Blog
Just created a new blog for my patrol..

Go check it out here.


Sunday, March 8, 2009 @ 5:14 PM
Facebook = the new SPAM?
Receiving a lot of spam from Facebook lately...


Friday, March 6, 2009 @ 10:08 PM
Rock Legends!
Rock Legends is one of the most addictive games on Facebook. Period.
Go check it out!
Me in Rock Legends! :D


Monday, March 2, 2009 @ 9:12 PM
Rainbow (:

More Flag Decor / Tentage for CCA today. And the Raja Snake + creative new ways of torture (coming up with a batch cheer in push up position on the 7th floor of the Raja Block). Tired. Too much CEP homework.
