Saturday, February 28, 2009 @ 9:37 PM
Tap Tap Revenge 2!
It's coming out in a few days! :D

Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 12:57 AM
Fedora FTW
Finally done with setting up Fedora dual boot on my Macbook (with all the drivers and stuff). Had a biiigg problem with the lousy Intel GMA950 in my laptop... -.- Anyway, I've just found out that Fedora is a great OS. The graphics engine in the OS is really really powerful. Compiz is just an example of its great potential. From the experience I've had with Fedora 10 so far, F10 has a really smooth and easy to use interface, with animations/effects that will appeal to anyone easily. (Although the setting up may not be that simple for everyone.)

Wobbly windows, one of the really fun to use effects...

Cube! :P


Wednesday, February 18, 2009 @ 9:20 PM
Falling Poles
The internet speed (on LAN) in school is officially the fastest I've ever seen.
Here's the proof;

And yeah, I'm setting up MacOSX+Fedora dual boot on my Macbook. :P


As for school today, nothing really significant happened other than the fact that today was the day that I have ever seen three 3-2-1 flagpoles fall down in a row.

A 3-2-1 flagpole is a flagpole, which is made up of 3 five metre spars, 2 three metre spars and 1 two metre spar and tied up together using tripod lashing. So the total height of a 3-2-1 flagpole is around 6-7 metres. It looks like this;

So, during CCA today the Sec 3 batch was taking the 3-2-1 flag decor test, in which you have to erect a flagpole, peg it down by the sides firmly and let it stand in twenty minutes, in groups of four. 

As for my group, the first time we took an excellent time of 30 to 40 minutes - a total phailiur. 
Our next try, we failed again, though we had improved our timing quite significantly - 28 minutes.

The next try, however, is of great interest. We were just about to hit our time limit of twenty minutes and complete it on time, and just as we were tightening the side guylines (support ropes), the whole flagpole gave way. So, you can imagine how horrific the scene would be, with everyone shouting to clear the area, and people running away from the flagpole, and eventually the 6/7 metre flagpole slamming onto the floor. This is dangerous. People can get seriously injured.

Of course there were consequences, which came in the form of many many many push-ups and crunches and stuff and long lectures by seniors, but I guess they are right. Safety is a big thing.

And what's better (or rather, not), it happened thrice. Once for each group. I have no idea what went wrong - lack of skill, lack of knowledge, lack of manpower or just plain lack of common sense...

What I do know is, that the next time I do flag decor, I'm wearing a helmet or something. o.o

Oh and this is probably the worst time to say this, but take a look at this video;
LOL at the gripping powder -.-

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 7:45 PM
Life Goes On
Haven't posted for quite a while..
School's been really hectic lately. Physics quiz/test, two Maths Topical Assessments, a Chemistry Open Book Assessment.

Physics Quiz - Easier than I expected, didn't test much.

Surds Maths TA - Easy! Lost half a mark because I didn't reject... -.-

Co-ord Geom TA - OK, I guess, but it doesn't really help when the first give away question is two marks and the second question, which was also the last, is a quite hard eight mark question..

Chem OBA - Generally easy, but was stuck at B1 (the experiment question). My class got version 2 of the paper (which was apparently the hardest one?) But our Chem teacher was nice about it and gave us extra time. (:

Maths CCT next week ):
I don't like graphical solutions...

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Monday, February 9, 2009 @ 10:20 PM
FYI I am a Spy!
I have finally bought The Orange Box. 
For those who don't know what The Orange Box is, Wikipedia:
The compilation contains five games, all powered by Valve's Source engine. Two of the games included, Half-Life 2 and its first expansion,Episode One, were previously released as separate products. Three new games are also contained within the compilation: the second expansion, Half-Life 2: Episode Two; the puzzle game Portal; and Team Fortress 2, the multiplayer game sequel to the QuakemodificationTeam Fortress.
Yay. Now I can play Team Fortress 2 online. Actually was going to buy the Team Fortress 2 game by itself, but when I saw that it was 30 dollars and that The Orange Box (which had four more games) was 50 dollars, I decided to buy The Orange Box. The ways they scam us... -.-

Oh, and talking about Team Fortress 2, I saw this really funny video on YouTube;