Wednesday, January 28, 2009 @ 9:45 PM
I'll be putting a detailed story of what happened in Langkawi soon... Once I'm free from the big load of homework. D:

Anyway, saw this on Edmund's blog who saw it on Irvin's blog who got it from I dunno where... Let's see how this goes...

1) Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle mode.
2) For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4) Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5) Tag 6 people.

1. Are you male or female? Gotta Be Somebody (LOL. Not bad for a first question...)

2. Describe yourself. Big Yellow Taxi (NO. I AM NOT A BIG YELLOW TAXI.)

3. What do people feel when they're around you? Snowed Under (Oh sure... Hehe I can make them feel snowed under (: *laughs evilly*)

4. Describe your current relationship. Lovebug (This is getting scary.)

5. Where would you like to be now? Keeps Gettin' Better (Lol. Hopefully.)

6. How do you feel about love? If That's Ok With You (??)

7. What's your life like? Time After Time (Ok I don't really get this, though Edmund says it makes sense... o.o)

8. What would you ask if you only had one wish? Don't Matter (NOOOO. Of course I would ask for something! :D ) 

9. If someone says "Is this okay?", what would you say? Somewhere I Belong (I would laughed my head off if If That's Ok With You came here... This answer's kinda random..)

10. How would you describe yourself? Rehab (o.o No I'm not in rehab...)

11. What do you like in a guy/girl? Cool (Lol?)

12. How do you feel today? 100 Years (I don't feel like I'm 100 years old D: )

13. What do your friends think of you? Breakout (LOL?!!!!)

14. What do you think of your parents? Do You Know (The Ping Pong Song) (Huh?? Random...)

15. What do you think about very often? He Don't Love You Like I Love You (Another irrelevant and unusual one...)

16. What is 2+2? Take My Hand (The answers are getting more and more random.)

17. What do you think of the person you like? The Wind Blows (lol?)

18. What is your life story? Maneater (nononononononononononono)

19. What do you want to be when you grow up? Stronger (Ok..., but that would be more of Lesmana)

20. What do you think of when you see the person you like? Lala Land (Haha.)

21. What will you dance to during your wedding? Love Like This (No comments. o.o)

22. What will they play at your funeral? Lothlorien (HAHA. Lord of the Rings for the win (:   )

23. What is your biggest fear? I'm Yours (haha.)

24. What is your hobby/interest? Everybody's Changing (Change is inevitable. (:  )

25. What do you think of your friends? Bad Day (OMG I GOT THE SAME ANSWER AS EDMUND, except this version is the Alvin and the Chipmunks version! 0.0)

This quiz is really fun! Try it!


Friday, January 23, 2009 @ 9:58 PM
I'm off to Langkawi!
I have to wake up at 4 am tomorrow cuz there's an 8 hr drive to the ferry place which is at Malaysia mainland, from where the ferry goes to Langkawi. And how convenient.... No more flight tickets available. ): I guess I'll be going to sleep soon.

Looks like a really nice place...

Will be posting lots of pictures sooooon! :P


Monday, January 19, 2009 @ 12:40 AM
Photos Galore
I have this new found interest of organizing my photos. iPhoto '08 makes it so easy! (And fun, of course)

Can't wait for iPhoto '09 which has loads of cool features like face detection and Facebook synchronization... Can Apple get any better? :D

On another note, after hours (almost days) of staring at my laptop sorting hundreds of photos, I'm finally done with the OBS video!

Hope you like it. o.o
Made with iMovie HD.
(Oh and sorry for the baaaad quality. Will be updating with better quality version soon...)

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Sunday, January 11, 2009 @ 8:12 PM
Real first day of school
OBS was fun. I won't go into long winded and detailed stories of what happened, but I'll simply say that it was fun. Something that I'll surely remember many years down the road. My watch, Hillary, was great. We really had fun doing all the activities together. I just wish I had brought my camera along. Wish I had pictures... Ubin looked really really great, especially at night, where we camping right in front of the sea. Amazing. I'd rather be back there right now. Seriously.

My watch, Hillary!

Anyway, enough about OBS. Now to look forward to the year ahead. Tomorrow marks the beginning of a new year. The real first day of school. With lessons. I only know a few people in 3Q, but from what I've heard, it's really a joker class (in a good way :D ), so can't wait for lessons to begin. 

This year, I intend to do well. Really.


Sunday, January 4, 2009 @ 9:00 PM
All set for OBS' 09!
Phew. Just finished packing. Actually finished around 8, just thinking of a few small things to put in.. 

My camping bag for OBS! (:
I'm done packing, and it's still 1/4 empty. o.o

I really can't wait for OBS.. Kayaking, rock climbing, sleeping in the mud... Sounds really fun. Kind of like a scouts camp, except more fun. :P It's times like these I'm thankful for being a scout. NO LAYOUT. WOOHOO. Hope that 3Q can really bond together through OBS. 3Q'09/4Q'10 ftw.

That's about it.
Once again.
Actually not much to wait anyway, only 10 hours left. Hehe.

On another note, my new blog skin looks sweet. I think I'm gonna stick with it...

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Saturday, January 3, 2009 @ 3:12 PM
Blog Skins
I'm experimenting with new blog skins since my previous blog took ages to load.. (It was a graphic intensive blog skin..)
It'll be fixed in a few days..


Friday, January 2, 2009 @ 10:12 PM
02 Activity... On the first day of school!
The title said it all..
But, it was actually quite fun!
Everyone was split up into groups to do different stuff.. check tentage, air ropes, clean the den, etc. Most of the Sec 3s Sec 4s and a few of the Sec 2s Sec 3s (See? I'm still getting over that...) were chosen to air ropes! How fun...

So many ropes... Luckily it was sunny, although it had rained not very long before this picture was taken.

Hard at work untying the knots..

And not long before Terence happily hijacks my wallet... Apparently looking at my Naruto card which I have clue of where I got it. xP

I guess the first day of school was okay (oh, except for the Amazing Race).. The classroom is kind of cool, and hoping to get to know my new classmates soon..

Can't wait for OBS!
Or can I?

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Thursday, January 1, 2009 @ 9:31 PM
Back to School
This is it.
The end of the holidays...
The start of another school year...

School starts tomorrow. Sigh. I don't know what to expect, what to hope for and what not to hope for. If I'm not wrong, my class (3Q) is on the 6th floor, so walking up and down 6 floors everyday will certainly be fun. Very fun.

Edmund finally starts blogging. After a typing fiasco where he ended up typing (...) instead of (...) Good job, Edmund. Edmund's blog.

Oh, and a Happy New Year. I, for one, still haven't thought of a New Year Resolution...

I've decided to put the OBS packing list here since a lot of people have lost the paper. [Stupid Blogger formatting messed up all the text, so I had to put the image...]

Click for a larger view.

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