Sunday, December 28, 2008 @ 2:19 PM
Recently, I came across an excellent website where you can download almost every single application there is in AppStore (and for free). This is possible by downloading the cracked versions of these applications, which are in the '.ipa' file format. According to iPhone Download Blog, .ipa files are;
.ipa stands for iPhone/iPod Touch Application. This extension developped by Apple is used for applications on iPhone and iPod Touch devices, downloaded from the iTunes App Store.
Yeah, so the website I was talking about is
The website is really great, you can sort all the applications according to date and name, search the applications, and even subscribe to a RSS feed so that you are updated with the latest cracked applications. And it looks nice too! Here's a screenshot of the website.

And when you click on one of the applications, you will see this;

Here, you can download the application, see a description, go to iTunes to see it's 'official' page, and so on...

If I'm not wrong, this website is only open for everyone until a limited period of time, after which it will become a paid service, so go and download your apps quickly!

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Thursday, December 25, 2008 @ 5:35 PM
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Hope your Christmas has been fun/enjoyable so far.. 

I went to watch Bolt today with Luo, and Irvin was supposed to be there... *ahem* Until he backed out at the last minute...

It's a great movie, and Rhino's (the hamster) really funny. A must watch.

I'm bored.
I actually can't wait for school to start.
I'll probably be thinking differently when school does start, though.

I still want to watch Yes Man and Twilight!

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008 @ 2:29 PM
Hurry before time runs out!
Random pop ups are getting lamer and lamer. Take a look at this.

Windows buttons on a Mac. Woohoo.
The irony.

I want my FREE* laptop PC. Now.


Monday, December 22, 2008 @ 9:52 PM
Hehe. You thought wrong. 

That aside, this blog isn't dead yet.

Not much to post during the hols anyway. 

Few things that have happened recently;
  • The C/C++ NOI training course [makes you want to forget that you ever coded]
  • MY MIO STOPPED WORKING (And it managed to start working again once the router got replaced today. At least it was replaced by a white shiny mio box. :P)
  • I cleared up 30 GB of space on my laptop. 30 GB. Wow.
  • Can't think of anything more, will put more once I remember.

And also, featuring,  1o Things I Would Do If I Were Lesmana;
  1. Quite Maple.
  2. If Point Number 1 has failed, stop using up so many Mana Potions.
  3. Rent out portions of my house to homeless people.
  4. Donate my pocket money to people with no pocket money.
  5. Invest the money that I have left after donating in something more useful than A-Cash Cards.
  6. Start a turnip plantation in Singapore.
  7. Let others invest in my turnip plantation.
  8. Try to be wiser in general.
  9. Stop paying people to tag along with me wherever I go
  10. And last but not least, try to be less of a Lesmana.
And there you are, the 10 things I would do if I were Lesmana. Put yours on your blog and support the Change Lesmana For The Better Movement (CLFTBM)].

Other than that, I have me eyes set on the Griffin Simplifi, which is an iPhone/iPod Dock, USB Hub, Memory Card Reader all in one. Pity there's no speaker. 

  • Charge/sync hub for iPhone and iPod
  • Reads and writes the most popular digital media cards, including Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, SD, SDHC, xD and CF (CompactFlash).
  • 2-port powered USB hub, using included AC adapter A simple, versatile way to de-clutter your desktop

Looks sweet.

Nothing much to post about, I guess. Hoping to set up the triple booting on my Macbook soon.

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